大阪大学 > 基礎工学部・基礎工学研究科 >

セミナー・イベント 2023年度

日時:2023年11月29日(水) 15:30-17:00
場所:未来研究推進センターセミナー室 G215-G221
講師:Prof. Christian Ospelkaus (Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany)
題目:Scalable quantum computers based on trapped ions
Trapped ions are one of the two leading platform for the implementation
of scalable quantum computers. Key aspects of the architecture have been
demonstrated experimentally, and small-scale demonstrators are under
construction or operational. Still, as in any architecture, considerable
challenges remain to improve gate fidelities and develop and demonstrate
key scaling techniques. I will report on two demonstrator setups that
are currently under construction at Hannover - the QVLS-Q1 demonstrator
based on 9Be+ qubits, sympathetically cooled by 40Ca+ ions, and the ATIQ
demonstrator based on 43Ca+ qubits and 88Sr+ cooling ions. In each case,
all gate operations are implemented using chip-integrated microwave
circuit elements, which benefits both scalability and gate performance.
We have recently demonstrated the key element of a quantum CCD processor
based on this microwave method, the computation register. We demonstrate
universal control in the computation register by implementing cycle
benchmarking. By adding an x-shaped junction, storage registers and a
readout zone, a full quantum core for use in the above demonstrators has
been designed. I will report on recent progress in the commissioning of
the demonstrators.

I will also give a brief overview of the evolving quantum ecosystem,
starting with the QVLS quantum ecosystem in Lower Saxony, and discuss
different federally funded initiatives in Germany. I will discuss the
interaction with European partners within the Quantum Flagship. Within
the Clusters4Future initiative QVLS-iLabs, we aim to support the
transfer of quantum technologies into real applications in close
collaboration between academia, research facilities and industry. As an
example, I will talk about the startup company QUDORA and its mission to
building scalable quantum computers based on trapped ions.

主催:大阪大学 大学院基礎工学研究科附属未来研究推進センター
共催:大阪大学 量子情報・量子生命研究センター

問い合わせ先:田中 歌子(基礎工学研究科 utako@ee.es.osaka-u.ac.jp)

セミナー・イベント 2022年度

日時:2022年10月28日 (金) 10:30-11:30
場所:基礎工学研究科附属未来研究推進センターセミナー室 G215号室 講師:Prof. Tanja E. Mehlstaubler (Leibniz Universitat Hannover / PTB) Title:“Scalable and integrated chip ion traps” Abstract: Trapped and laser-cooled ions allow for a high degree of control of atomic quantum systems. They are the basis for modern atomic clocks, quantum computers and quantum simulators.  Precision spectroscopy on large samples of ions or multiple-ensembles of clocks paves the way to novel quantum sensors for applications such as relativistic geodesy or navigation. Thus for the applications in both quantum metrology and quantum information scalable ion traps with a high level of control of large samples of qubits are needed. Since 2010 we have been developing scalable ion traps at PTB and established a scalable design which allows to interrogate several 10s to 100 ions with high precision, i.e. low heating rates, low micromotion and a high level of control of the ions. In the past years, this design has been extended to integrate fiberized micro-optics and detection. Currently we are also developing and testing different production processes and ion trap designs for integrated nano-photonics. 主催:大阪大学 大学院基礎工学研究科附属未来研究推進センター 共催:大阪大学 量子情報・量子生命研究センター 問い合せ先:基礎工学研究科 田中 歌子 (内線:6326  e-mail:utako@ee.es.osaka-u.ac.jp

日時:2022年10月31日 (月) 13:30-14:30 場所:基礎工学研究科附属未来研究推進センターセミナー室 G215号室 講師:Prof. Tanja E. Mehlstaubler (Leibniz Universitat Hannover / PTB) Title:"A novel mixed species In+/Yb+ ion optical clock" Abstract: We present first optical clock measurements of an indium multi-ion clock with sympathetically cooled Coulomb crystals. The indium absolute frequency was measured against PTBs cesium fountains. The optical frequency ratio of the 115In+ ion clock transition has been measured against optical clocks at PTB, INRIM and SYRTE in an international clock comparison campaign. The concept of a mixes-species optical clock and uncertainties of multi-ion operation are discussed.
主催:大阪大学 大学院基礎工学研究科附属未来研究推進センター 共催:大阪大学 量子情報・量子生命研究センター 問い合せ先:基礎工学研究科 田中 歌子 (内線:6326  e-mail:utako@ee.es.osaka-u.ac.jp

セミナー・イベント 2020年度

未来研究推進センター 国際ジョイントラボ“TRiAC”ワークショップ

日時:2021326() 18:00-20:00



 向山敬 (大阪大学)
 Tanja Mehlstäubler (PTB*, 基礎工学研究科招へい教授)
 Ekkehard Peik (PTB)
 Christian Ospelkaus (Leibniz Universität Hannover, 基礎工学研究科招へい教授)
 Piet Schmidt (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
  (*PTB:Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt)
概要:量子情報や量子計測が注目される中、イオントラップ技術の重要性がますます高まっている。この流れを受けて、国内ではイオントラップの新しい研究グループが次々と発足し 複数の国家プロジェクトが遂行されている。こうした動きは海外においても同様である。本ワークショップでは、国内の研究グループと、未来研究推進センター内の国際ジョイントラボTRiAC*で共に活動してきたドイツの研究者らが一同に会し、日本とドイツのイオントラップの最新の研究動向について紹介する
 (*TRiAC:Trapped-Ion integrated Atomic-photonic Circuit
主催:基礎工学研究科 未来研究推進センター
問い合わせ先:阪大基礎工 田中歌子

セミナー・イベント 2018年度

日時:2018年7月30日(月) 15:00~16:00
場所:基礎工G棟セミナー室 G215-221
講演者:Prof. Şahin Kaya Özdemir (The Pennsylvania State University, 基礎工学研究科 特任教授)
演題:Metrology with optical resonators at exceptional points
Whispering-gallery-mode (WGM) optical microresonators have emerged as excellent platforms for exploring basic science and for fabricating functional devices. They have been used for sensing, cavity-QED, optomechanics, low threshold lasing, and most recently for the realization of parity-time (PT) symmetry and exceptional points in optics. In this talk, after briefly reviewing the physics and the applications of WGM microresonators, I will discuss how light-matter interactions can be enhanced when these resonators are operated at exceptional points, which are non-Hermitian degeneracies at which two or more of the complex eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenstates of a physical system coalesce. As examples, I will show how the performance of optical sensors (e.g., particle detection, refractive index sensing, and displacement and force detection) can be improved close to an exceptional point, and how the exceptional points affect the optomechanical interactions and phonon laser performance. I will end the talk giving a brief summary of other interesting phenomena we study with WGM resonators and discussing some of the opportunities and challenges in the WGM research.

1. Exceptional points enhance sensing in an optical microcavity. W. Chen, Şahin Kaya Özdemir , G. Zhao, J. Wiersig, and L. Yang, Nature 548, 192 (2017).
2. Enhanced sensitivity at higher-order exceptional points. H. Hodaei, A. U. Hassan, S. Wittek, H. Garcia-Gracia, R. El-Ganainy, D. N. Christodoulides, and M. Khajavikhan, Nature 548, 187 (2017).
3. A phonon laser operating at an exceptional point. J. Zhang, B. Peng, Şahin Kaya Özdemir , K. Pichler, D. O. Krimer, G. Zhao, F. Nori, Y. -X Liu, S. Rotter, and L. Yang, Nature Photonics 12, 479 (2018).
4. High-order exceptional points in optomechanics. H. Jing, Şahin Kaya Özdemir , H. Lu, and F. Nori, Scientific Reports 7, 3386 (2017).
5. Metrology with PT-symmetric cavities: Enhanced sensitivity near the PT-phase transition. Z. P. Liu, J. Zhang, Şahin Kaya Özdemir , B. Peng, H. Jing, X. Y. Lü, C. W. Li, L. Yang, F. Nori, and Y.-X. Liu, Physical Review Letters 117 (11), 110802 (2016).

問合せ先:阪大基礎工 山本俊

セミナー・イベント 2017年度

未来研究推進センター講演会 ワークショップ
Workshop on Quantum Control of Trapped Ions and its Applications

日時: 2018年3月9日(金) 13:00-19:00
場所: 大阪大学豊中キャンパス 基礎工学研究科 G棟 G215-219室
        http://www.es.osaka-u.ac.jp/ja/access.html <<プログラム>>
13:00-14:00 Tanja E. Mehlstaeubler (PTB; Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany)
‘Atomic Friction in Ion Coulomb Crystals’ (60 min)

14:00-14:30 Utako Tanaka (Osaka Univ.)
‘Novel quantum systems using on-chip ion traps’ (30 min)

14:30-14:45 break

14:45-15:15 Tetsuya Ido (NICT)
‘Optically-steered timescale and JST sub-station in Kobe’ (30 min)

15:15-15:45 Nozomi Ohtsubo (NICT)
‘Magnetic-sublevel-resolved clock spectroscopy of an indium ion’ (30 min)

15:45-16:15 Koichiro Miyanishi (Osaka Univ.)
‘Long-distance single photon transmission from a trapped ion via quantum frequency conversion’ (30 min)

16:30-17:30 ラボツアー(on-chip ion trap)

17:30-19:00 懇親会 (G211-213室)

(3/1(木) 18:00〆切)
メイル宛先: hayasaka@nict.go.jp (NICT 早坂)
メイルタイトル: イオントラップ講演会ラボツアー・懇親会
御氏名 [            ]
御所属 [            ]
メイルアドレス [            ]
ご参加内容   [  ラボツアー   懇親会   ]

“Atomic Friction in Ion Coulomb Crystals”
T.E. Mehlstäubler

Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany
E-mail: tanja.mehlstaeubler@ptb.de

Topological defects in ion Coulomb crystals (kinks) have been proposed for studies of quantum-mechanical effects with solitons and as carriers of quantum information [1]. Defects form when a symmetry breaking phase transition is crossed nonadiabatically and the finite speed of information prevents different regions from coordinating the choice of the symmetry broken state. Where such local choices are incompatible, defects will form with densities predicted to follow a power law scaling in the rate of the transition. The importance of this Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM) ranges from cosmology to condensed matter [2]. As predicted in [3], in inhomogeneous systems propagation of the critical front enhances the role of causality and steepens scaling of defect density with the transition rate. We use laser-cooled trapped ions in a harmonic trap to produce stable topological defects and demonstrate scaling with the transition rate across the linear to zigzag phase [4]. Implementing mass defects and electric fields we demonstrated first steps towards a controlled kink soliton preparation and manipulation for studies of nonlinear physics in ion Coulomb crystals [5].
Based on these findings we study the dynamics of topological defects and use them to emulate nanofriction of two atomically flat layers with back-action. With the help of phonon mode spectroscopy and high resolution imaging we show that an ion Coulomb crystal with a defect exhibits a sticking-to-sliding transition with Aubry-type signatures [6]. We demonstrate the measurement of the soft vibrational mode driving the transition and the order parameter, that quantifies the symmetry-breaking of the crystal configuration. Numerically we find that the soft mode frequency and the order parameter exhibit critical scaling near the transition. This model system can be used to investigate the tribological behaviour of self-organized structures in the classical and in the quantum regime.

[1] Landa et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 043004 (2010)
[2] Kibble, Phys. Rep. 67, 183 (1980); Zurek, Nature 317, 505 (1985)
[3] del Campo et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 075701 (2010)
[4] Pyka et al., Nat. Commun. 4, 2291 (2013)
[5] Partner et al., New J. Phys. 15, 103013 (2013)
[6] Kiethe et al., Nat. Commun. (2017)
Organized by Center for Promotion of Advanced Interdisciplinary Research (C-Pair), 
Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
問い合わせ先: 阪大基礎工 田中歌子

2017年度 新学術4領域合同シンポジウム(未来研究推進センター共催)

未来研究推進センターセミナー (このセミナーは中止になりました)
場所:基礎工G棟セミナー室 G215-221
講演者:Dr. T. E. Mehlstäubler, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (Germany)
講演題目:Atomic Friction in Ion Coulomb Crystals
 Topological defects in ion Coulomb crystals (kinks) have been proposed for studies of quantum-mechanical effects with solitons and as carriers of quantum information [1]. Defects form when a symmetry breaking phase transition is crossed nonadiabatically and the finite speed of information prevents different regions from coordinating the choice of the symmetry broken state. Where such local choices are incompatible, defects will form with densities predicted to follow a power law scaling in the rate of the transition. The importance of this Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM) ranges from cosmology to condensed matter [2]. As predicted in [3], in inhomogeneous systems propagation of the critical front enhances the role of causality and steepens scaling of defect density with the transition rate. We use laser-cooled trapped ions in a harmonic trap to produce stable topological defects and demonstrate scaling with the transition rate across the linear to zigzag phase [4]. Implementing mass defects and electric fields we demonstrated first steps towards a controlled kink soliton preparation and manipulation for studies of nonlinear physics in ion Coulomb crystals [5].
Based on these findings we study the dynamics of topological defects and use them to emulate nanofriction of two atomically flat layers with back-action. With the help of phonon mode spectroscopy and high resolution imaging we show that an ion Coulomb crystal with a defect exhibits a sticking-to-sliding transition with Aubry-type signatures [6]. We demonstrate the measurement of the soft vibrational mode driving the transition and the order parameter, that quantifies the symmetry-breaking of the crystal configuration. Numerically we find that the soft mode frequency and the order parameter exhibit critical scaling near the transition. This model system can be used to investigate the tribological behaviour of self-organized structures in the classical and in the quantum regime.
[1] Landa et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 043004 (2010)
[2] Kibble, Phys. Rep. 67, 183 (1980); Zurek, Nature 317, 505 (1985)
[3] del Campo et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 075701 (2010)
[4] Pyka et al., Nat. Commun. 4, 2291 (2013)
[5] Partner et al., New J. Phys. 15, 103013 (2013)
[6] Kiethe et al., Nat. Commun. (2017)
主催:未来研究推進センター  (イオントラップ原子光集積化回路国際ジョイントラボ)
問い合わせ先: 阪大基礎工 田中歌子

日時:2017年11月20日(月) 10:30~11:00
場所:基礎工G棟セミナー室 G215-221
講師:Mr. Mihal Jachura (Quantum Technologies Laboratory, Centre for New Technologies, Warszawa Poland)
(1) Holographic measurement of single photon spatial wavefunction
(2) Spectral Compression of Single Photon Wavepackets by an Electro-optic Time Lens
問合せ先:阪大基礎工 井元信之

日時:2017年11月20日(月) 11:00~12:00
場所:基礎工G棟セミナー室 G215-221
講演者:Prof. Şahin Kaya Özdemir (基礎工学研究科 特任教授, The Pennsylvania State University)
講演題目:Photonics at the Exceptional Points: From Optical Sensing to Optomechanics
Whispering-gallery-mode (WGM) microresonators have emerged as excellent platforms for optical sensing, cavity-QED, optomechanics, low threshold lasing, and most recently for the realization of parity-time (PT) symmetry in optics. They represent open physical systems due to optical losses originating from absorption, coupling and radiation, and thus they are characterized by non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. By engineering their loss/gain profiles and coupling to other systems, WGM resonators can be brought to a non-Hermitian degeneracy known as an exceptional point (EP), where complex eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenstates of the system coalesce. The presence of an EP affects the system significantly, leading to nontrivial physics with interesting features. In this talk, after briefly reviewing the physics and the applications of WGM microresonators that we have developed in the past few years (e.g., detection and characterization of single nanoparticles, nonreciprocal light transmission, loss-induced lasing, etc), I will discuss the control of optical processes in WGM microresonators by operating them in the vicinity of EPs. I will discuss how we used these resonators to demonstrate enhanced optical sensing beyond what is capable with conventional optical sensors, and how EPs affect optomechanical interactions and phonon lasing. I will end the talk giving a brief summary of other interesting phenomena we study with WGM resonators and discussing some of the opportunities and challenges in photonics research, in particular within the framework of non-Hermitian optics.
問合せ先:阪大基礎工 井元信之

場所:基礎工G棟セミナー室 G215-221
講演者:Dr. Matthias Keller, University of Sussex(UK)
講演題目:Interfacing ions and photons
The complementary benefits of trapped ions and photons as carriers of quantum information make it appealing to combine them in a joint system. Ions provide low decoherence rates, long storage times and high readout efficiency, while photons travel over long distances. To interface the quantum states of ions and photons efficiently, we use calcium ions coupled to an optical high-finesse cavity via a Raman transition.
To achieve strong ion-cavity coupling we employ fibre tip cavities integrated into the electrodes of an endcap style ion trap. With a cavity length of 380 um the resulting ion-cavity coupling strength is 17 MHz with a cavity line width of 8 MHz. We trap single calcium ions with a life time of several hours and have optimised the ion-cavity overlap to observe the interaction of the cavity with the ion.
The interaction between the ion and the cavity does not only lead to a strong enhancement of the ion’s light emission into the cavity mode but also to the suppression of the ion’s free space fluorescence emission. The have demonstrated the suppression of the ion’s free space fluorescence on a strong UV transition through coupling the ion to the cavity mode on a competing IR transition.
In addition to coupling single ions to optical fibre tip cavities, we have developed an all-fibre system to match the mode of the cavity and the mode of a single-mode optical fibre. With this system we have demonstrated a mode matching efficiency of 90%.
主催:未来研究推進センター  (イオントラップ原子光集積化回路国際ジョイントラボ)
問い合わせ先: 阪大基礎工 田中歌子

セミナー・イベント 2016年度

日時:2017年3月15日(水) 13:30~14:30
講師:Mark Tame 准教授 (大阪大学基礎工学研究科/Kwazulu-Natal大学)
演題:Plasmonic quantum technology
Plasmonics is a field of research that involves the study of light and its interaction with matter at the nanoscale. Here, electromagnetic fields coupled to electron charge density waves on metal-dielectric interfaces or localized on metallic nanostructures enable the confinement of light to scales far below that of conventional optics. This has opened up many new applications, ranging from nano-imaging, super-lensing and enhanced photovoltaics to high-resolution sensing. Most recently, researchers have started to study quantum effects in plasmonic systems, which have been shown to be useful for applications in quantum technology. I will present recent work on applications such as quantum sensing and quantum random number generation.
問合せ先:阪大基礎工 井元信之

日時:2017年2月6日(月) 16:30~17:30
講師:川上 駿 (東京大学工学系研究科物理工学専攻)
量子暗号は無限の計算能力を持った盗聴者に対して耐性のある暗号であり、量子コンピュー ターを含む強力な計算機の登場に対する不安を払拭することが可能である。また、他の量子情 報技術に比べて技術的ハードルが低く、その実現が近いと期待されている分野でもある。多く の量子暗号の実装・デモンストレーションにおいては、一般的なレーザー光を単一光子レベル の強度まで弱めたものが光源として使われている。しかし、その場合も完全に多光子成分を取 り除くことはできず、実際に多光子を利用した強力な盗聴方法も提案されている。本講演では、 微弱レーザー光を用いた量子暗号プロトコルの実用的な側面にも触れながら、その安全性をい かに保証しているかについて解説する。具体的には、最も代表的な量子暗号(量子鍵配送)プ ロトコルであるBennett-Brassard 1984 (BB84)プロトコルの安全性証明に軸足を置きつつ、そ の証明をDifferential-quadrature-phase-shift (DQPS)プロトコルに非自明な形で応用し、 DQPSプロトコルが位相変調型のBB84 プロトコルに対し秘密鍵生成効率の優位性を持っているこ とを示す。
問い合わせ先:阪大基礎工 山本俊

日時:2016年12月13日(火) 13:30~14:30
場所:基礎工C棟4階共用セミナー室 C419-23
講師:Prof. Şahin Kaya Özdemir (基礎工学研究科 特任教授, Washington University in St. Louis)
演題:Controlling light behavior in whispering gallery resonators
概要: Whispering-gallery-mode (WGM) optical microresonators have emerged as excellent platforms for exploring basic science and for fabricating functional devices. They have been used for sensing, cavity-QED, optomechanics, low threshold lasing, and most recently for the realization of parity-time (PT) symmetry in optics. In this talk, after briefly reviewing the physics and the applications of WGM optical microresonators, I will discuss the control of the flow of light in WGM microresonators. First, I will show how exceptional points (degeneracy at which two or more of the complex eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenstates of a physical system coalesce) in a system of waveguide-coupled microresonators can be utilized to obtain chiral states and to control emission direction in WGM microlasers. Second, I will report on optomechanics in WGM resonators to generate chaotic light, to transfer chaos between optical fields and to demonstrate stochastic resonance. I will end the talk giving a brief summary of other interesting phenomena we study with WGM resonators and discussing some of the opportunities and challenges in the WGM research.
問い合わせ先:阪大基礎工 井元信之

日時:2016年11月28日(月) 16:00~17:00
場所:基礎工 J706(大セミナー室)
講師:吉原基二郎 主任研究員 (情報通信研究機構未来ICT研究所・記憶神経生物学プロジェクト)

日時:2016年10月31日(月) 16:20~17:20
場所:基礎工 D棟共用セミナー室 D404
講師:高橋優樹 (University of Sussex, UK)
演題:Coupling a single ion to an optical fibre cavity
Strong coupling of a single atomic ion to an optical cavity has been a long-sought-after subject in the ion trap community for decades. We have developed a novel ion trap which tightly integrates a high finesse fibre tip cavity. Although yet to be fully optimised, we recently achieved a stable ion-cavity coupling of 6 MHz and observed a strong Purcell effect in this system. I will report on the latest progress and discuss the future prospect for achieving strong coupling.
問合せ先:阪大基礎工 山本俊

基礎工学研究科 未来研究推進センター・NICT連携セミナー   = 参加登録はこちら =
場所:基礎工学研究科G棟5F 508号室
講師:吉原基二郎 主任研究員 
空前のブームとなっている"人工知能"は近年めざましい進歩をとげているが、ディープラーニングなどに基づく"人工知能"は脳とは程遠いメカニズムで動作している。脳をまねた知的演算は長年試みられているにもかかわらず脳のように働くコンピュータが歴史上つくられたことがないのは、脳の働きの根幹にある"記憶"のしくみが全くわかっていないからである。大阪大学基礎工学部において現職の教授であった記憶研究の世界的な先駆者・故塚原仲晃博士は、記憶研究における「マクロの記憶とミクロのシナプス可塑性をつなぐ」ことの重要性を指摘しながら31年前に日航機事故に遭遇した。この「マクロとミクロをつなぐ」ための全く新しい方法論を確立するため、演者はマサチューセッツ大学で主宰する研究室の総力を挙げて、ショウジョウバエの食べる行動をコマンドする"フィーディング・ニューロン"を発見した(Nature, 2013)。食べる行動の変化としてのマクロの記憶とミクロのシナプスの変化を結びつけるため、ベルを鳴らしてはイヌにエサを与えた"パブロフの条件反射"(マクロ)をショウジョウバエで再現し、その際のフィーディング・ニューロンの変化(ミクロ)を追跡した(櫻井ら、発表準備中)。このマクロとミクロがつながった新しい研究方法によって、記憶の基本原理の候補としてMITから演者が提唱した"ローカルフィードバック仮説"(Science, 2005)を検証し、記憶の現場で実際何がおこっているのかを解きほぐしていく。この新しい方法は、記憶形成の基本原理解明にとどまらず、記憶時のフィーディング・ニューロンのインプット/アウトプット変化を模倣する素子を開発することにより、脳と同様の仕組みで情報を処理・記憶する"真の人工知能"のデザインにつながる。脳内で生み出される"知能"を"人工"的に再現するための王道でありながら方法論的に不可能であったこの方向性について議論したい。

講師略歴:1992年 東京大学大学院理学系研究科 修了、同年 群馬大学医学部 助手,同年米国Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hopeポスドク,2000年 米国Massachusetts Institute of Technology客員研究員,2006年米国Massachusetts大学Medical School助教授を経て、2014年より現職。

終了後 18:00過ぎより、講師を囲んで意見交換会を行います。

Workshop on Control and Functions of Two-Dimensional Materials (共催)
Date: June 6 (Mon) 2016
Venue: Engineering Science International Building, Sigma Hall

1st International Symposium on Photosynergetics (共催)
Date: June 2-4 , 2016
Venue: Engineering Science International Building, Sigma Hall

第4回 NICT-AIST-SPring-8-KISOKO 連携戦略会議
日時: 2016年6月1日(水) 16:00~20:30
場所: 霞ヶ関ナレッジスクエア 会議室
16:00-16:10 はじめに
16:10ー16:40 卓越大学院+マックスプランク構想について
16:40ー17:00 NICT並びに未来ICT研究所紹介  細川瑞彦@NICT
             事例紹介:先端ICTデバイスラボ  寳迫巌@NICT
17:00ー17:20 産総研におけるオープンイノベーションへの取り組み~大学連携~ 瀬戸政宏@AIST
17:20ー17:40 企業の現場は何を問題とし何を期待しているか
17:40ー18:00 総合討論
18:00ー20:30  ブレインストーミング


日時:2016年1月29日(金) 13:30~18:30
場所:大阪大学基礎工学研究科(豊中キャンパス)国際棟 Σホール
13:30~13:40 井元信之 基礎工学研究科教授
13:40~14:40 前田公憲 埼玉大学大学院理工学研究科 准教授
14:40~15:00 コーヒーブレイク
15:00~16:00 山口兆 ナノサイエンスデザインセンター 招聘教授
16:00~16:20 コーヒーブレイク
16:20~17:20 岡田康志 理化学研究所生命システム研究所 チームリーダー
17:20~18:30 フリーディスカッション & 懇親会

までに hazama@mp.es.osaka-u.ac.jp までお申し込み下さい。

日時:2016年2月8日(月) 13:30~15:30
13:30~13:40 井元信之 基礎工学研究科教授
13:40~14:40 石崎章仁 分子科学研究所 特任准教授
14:40~15:00 コーヒーブレイク
15:00~15:30 パネルディスカッション(予定)

(代表 井元信之 基礎工学研究科教授)
問い合わせ先:基礎工学研究科 北川勝浩
電話 06-6850-6320

日時:2016年1月15日(金) 16:20~
場所:基礎工学研究科 未来研究推進センターセミナー室 G215
講師:浦上裕光 Hiromitsu Urakami, 英国王立化学会, 日本マネージャー  Ph.D. RSC Manager, Japan
演題: Introduction to Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing and Recent Trends and Statistics
An overview of the Royal Society of Chemistry will be presented, with a particular focus on our publishing activities, publication statistics, as well as our activities in Japan. Furthermore, an outline of the STM (Scientific, Technical and Medical) publishing landscape will also be given, including the impact of Open Access. This lecture aims to inform some of the current situation and trends of Royal Society of Chemistry (more focused on Japan) and STM publishing.
問い合わせ先:阪大基礎工 多田博一

日時:2015年12月18日(金) 15:00~16:30
場所:基礎工学研究科 未来研究推進センターセミナー室 G215
講師:Professor Yuriy A. Kosevich
(Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia)
演題: Phonon interference in atomic-scale metamirrors, phonon nanocapacitors and in heat transfer through crystal interfaces
Abstract and references:
In this talk, I will present and discuss three-dimensional atomic-scale models of metamaterials, in which destructive interference of lattice waves (phonons) allows one to control phonon propagation and thermal conductance in the nanosystem. I will discuss a possibility of the total resonant reflection (transmission antiresonance) or total absorption of a phonon by the two-dimensional lattice defect, the effective thickness of which is much smaller than the phonon wavelength. I will discuss several proposals to build atomic-scale interference phonon metamirrors based on this phenomenon. I will also present the results which show that the anharmonicity of interatomic bonds and random distribution of defect atoms in the crystal metaplane do not deteriorate the antiresonance. The unusual effect of the reduction of thermal conductance of the nanosystem by increasing the number of conducting channels for heat waves will be described [1]. On the basis of such metamaterials, highly sensitive atomic-scale metamirrors for heat waves can be created. Hypersonic interference metamirrors can be used to build ultracompact phonon nanocapacitors for the storage and emission (lasing) of coherent Terahertz lattice waves [2]. Destructive interference of lattice waves will be compared with two-photon quantum interference in optics. Quasi-one-dimensional lattice models for the facilitation of analytical modeling and interpretation of the underlying mechanisms in three-dimensional phononic metamaterials, including nonlinear ones, will also be discussed.
[1] H. Han, L. Potyomina, A. A. Darinskii, S. Volz, and Yu. A. Kosevich "Phonon interference and thermal conductance reduction in atomic-scale metamaterials", Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communications 89, 180301-1-180301-5 (2014).
[2] H. Han, B. Li, S. Volz, and Yu. A. Kosevich "Ultracompact interference phonon nanocapacitor for storage and lasing of coherent terahertz lattice waves", Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 145501-1-145501-6 (2015).
問い合わせ先:阪大基礎工 豊田健二

日時:2015年12月15日(火) 15:00~17:00
場所:基礎工学研究科 豊中キャンパス基礎工J棟1Fセミナー室

講師:Prof. Mariagrazia Dotoli (Politecnico di Bari)
演題:A survey on Petri nets models for logistics and transportation systems
Logistics and transportation systems are man-made systems that are well suited for modeling in a discrete event system framework and particularly by Petri Nets (PNs), due to their different characteristics: distributed, parallel, deterministic, stochastic, discrete, and continuous. The talk presents a survey on the various Petri nets modeling frameworks proposed in the related literature for logistics and transportation systems, with applications to modeling, simulation, analysis, optimization and control. In particular, we focus on papers dealing with freight transportation and outline and classify the related works conducted using PNs as regards the proposed framework and addressed problems. We also debate the approaches viability, discussing contributions and limitations, and identify future research potentials.

講師:Prof. Carla Seatsu (Universit di Cagliari)
演題:Fault diagnosis of discrete event systems using Petri nets
This talk is devoted to the problem of fault diagnosis of discrete event systems. Labeled Petri nets are considered as the reference formalism. A brief state of the art is first proposed, then the attention is focused on an on-line diagnosis approach based on the notion of basis markings and justifications. Such an approach can be applied both to bounded and unbounded Petri nets whose unobservable subnet is acyclic. In the case of bounded Petri nets it benefits of the main advantage that the most burdensome part of the procedure may be moved off-line, computing a particular graph called Basis Reachability Graph. Diagnosability analysis is also discussed. In particular, necessary and sufficient conditions for diagnosability are given and a test to study diagnosability is presented. Such a test is based on the analysis of the coverability graph of a special Petri net, called Verifier Net that is built starting from the initial system.

問合わせ先:阪大基礎工 西 竜志(06-6850-6351)

日時:2015年11月13日(金) 16:00~17:00
場所:基礎工C棟4階共用セミナー室 C419-23
講師:Prof. Sahin Kaya Ozdemir (Washington University in St. Louis)
演題:Parity-time symmetry and exceptional points in optics
Whispering-Gallery-Mode (WGM) optical microresonators represent open physical systems that are characterized by non-Hermitian Hamiltonians, and thus by appropriately steering the system parameters, their complex eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenstates can be made to coalesce giving rise to a degeneracy referred to as exceptional point (EP). In this talk, I will present applications enabled by driving WGM resonators through EPs. We will first show parity-time (PT) symmetry and its breaking in coupled WGM resonators with balanced loss and gain, and then discuss how this system can be utilized for nonlinearity-based nonreciprocal light transmission when it is operated in the broken-PT phase [1]. In this way, nonreciprocal light transmission is achieved with power levels as low as a few microwatts. Next, we will show that modulating the loss contrast between two lossy resonators can bring the system to an EP which then leads to the counterintuitive observation of loss-induced suppression and revival of lasing in WGM microresonators [2]. This opens a new way to control loss and to benefit from loss in photonic system. We will end the talk discussing some of the on-going projects in our group and the opportunities and challenges in the WGM research, in particular within the framework of exceptional points and PT-symmetry. [1] B. Peng et al., Nat. Phys. 10, 394-398 (2014).
[2] B. Peng et al., Science 346, 328 (2014).
問い合わせ先:阪大基礎工 井元信之

日時:2015年11月10日(火) 14:00~15:00
講師:Mark Tame 准教授 (大阪大学基礎工学研究科/Kwazulu-Natal大学)
演題:Quantum plasmonic nanostructures
In my talk I will review some recent progress in the theoretical and experimental investigation of plasmonic nanostructures in the quantum regime. Here, surface plasmons - electromagnetic excitations coupled to electron charge density waves localized on metallic nanostructures - enable the confinement of light to scales far below that of conventional optics. They can therefore be used for controlling quantum light-matter interactions at the nanoscale, with a range of potential applications in quantum information science.
問い合わせ先:阪大基礎工 井元信之

日時:2015年10月27日(火) 13:30~14:30
講師: Rekishu Yamazaki (RCAST, University of Tokyo)
演題:Quantum Optomechanics: Quantum control of macroscopic collective mode
“Why aren’t there any quantum states in our daily life?” Question that has been boggling physicists mind over a hundred year is still a valid one. A fragile quantum nature seems to disappear rather quickly as the dimension of the matter increases. One of the newest quantum system, optomechanics, might be able to answer this long standing question.
Optomechanical system, a mechanical oscillator coupled to an electromagnetic field (often with a cavity) has evolved rapidly in last several years by incorporating MEMS/NEMS fabrication technique as well as coherent control technique matured in the field of quantum electronics. Recently, a millimeter size membrane has been laser cooled to the quantum ground state, and number of researches in both microwave optical regime are conducted for the quantum control of a macroscopic oscillator. In this talk, we review the basics of the quantum optomechanics, as well as our effort for the development of the quantum transducer using optomechanical systems.
問い合わせ先:阪大基礎工 山本俊

日時:2015年10月22日(木) 14:00~15:00
場所:基礎工学部 J棟1階 共用セミナー室 (J114-120)
講師: Professor Christian Ospelkaus (Institut für Quantenoptik, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany)
演題:Quantum logic and precision experiments with ions in microfabricated traps
We have designed and fabricated a surface-electrode ion trap with a single integrated microwave conductor for implementing spin-motional couplings between ions. When operated at cryogenic temperatures, the design is expected to overcome the main (expected) limitations of the initial demonstration experiment for near-field microwave quantum logic, which were the spatio-temporal stability of the microwave near-fields and anomalous motional heating. We discuss loading of single 9Be+ ions into the trap using photoionization from an ablation plume generated by a single laser pulse hitting a Beryllium wire. We discuss the implementation of a first order field-indpendent qubit, micromotion nulling using near-field gradients, motional sideband transitions and the characterization of the near-field gradient using a single ion.
We also discuss first steps towards the implementation of a microfabricated cylindrical Penning trap for quantum logic inspired cooling and detection of single (anti-)protons.
問い合わせ先:阪大基礎工 田中歌子

場所:基礎工学研究科G棟5Fセミナー室 (都合により変更の可能性があります)
講師:田中 宏 教授(阪大産学連携本部 副本部長)
共催:未来研究イニシアティブ 基礎工学6プログラム

日時:2015年10月15日(木) 13:00~14:00
場所:基礎工C棟4階共用セミナー室 C419-23
講師: 鈴木 正 講師(埼玉医科大学医学部)
近年ハミルトニアンに含まれるパラメターを瞬間的にあるいは ゆっくりと変化させることに伴う量子多体系の非平衡時間発展 が注目を集めている。とりわけ時間発展した波動関数と始状態 のそれとのオーバーラップ(Loschmidtエコーと呼ばれる)に 現れる特異性は平衡系の相転移とのアナロジーがあって興味深 い。本セミナーでは平衡系の相転移から始めて量子相転移、 量子クエンチなどにまつわる話題に触れ、縦横磁場中の 1次元イジング模型に関して我々が明らかにしたことを紹介する。

日時:2015年10月5日(月) 13:30~14:30
場所:基礎工学国際棟 1F セミナー室
講師:Professor Rainer Blatt
     (University of Innsbruck, Austrian Academy of Sciences)
演題:The Quantum Way of Doing Computations
Since the mid-nineties of the 20th century it became apparent that one of the centuries’ most important technological inventions, computers in general and many of their applications could possibly be further enormously enhanced by using operations based on quantum physics. This is timely since the classical roadmaps for the development of computational devices, commonly known as Moore’s law, will cease to be applicable within the next decade due to the ever smaller sizes of the electronic components that soon will enter the quantum physics realm. Computations, whether they happen in our heads or with any computational device, always rely on real physical processes, which are data input, data representation in a memory, data manipulation using algorithms and finally, the data output. Building a quantum computer then requires the implementation of quantum bits (qubits) as storage sites for quantum information, quantum registers and quantum gates for data handling and processing and the development of quantum algorithms.
In this talk, the basic functional principle of a quantum computer will be reviewed. It will be shown how strings of trapped ions can be used to build a quantum information processor and how basic computations can be performed using quantum techniques. In particular, the quantum way of doing computations will be illustrated by analog and digital quantum simulations and the basic scheme for quantum error correction will be introduced and discussed. Scaling-up the ion-trap quantum computer can be achieved with interfaces for ion-photon entanglement based on high-finesse optical cavities and cavity-QED protocols, which will be exemplified by recent experimental results.
問い合わせ先:阪大基礎工 田中 歌子

場所:基礎工学国際棟 1F セミナー室
講師:Dr Matthias Keller (ITCM-Group, University of Sussex (UK))
演題:The UK Quantum Technology Initiative and Ion Based Quantum Networks
Recently, the UK government has announced the investment of £270 million into the commercialisation of quantum technologies. This investment is flowing into several specific funding schemes, most noticeably the Quantum Technology hubs, Training and Skills hubs for Quantum System Engineering and a significant investment into capital equipment. Quantum technologies with trapped atomic ions are an important area of this investment.
The focus of the ITCM-group is on the implementation of ion-photon interfaces as nodes for quantum networks. I will give an overview of the UK’s Quantum Technology Initiative and our contribution to this area.
問合わせ先:阪大基礎工 井元研究室 山本俊(基礎工D408)

表記会合を 国立研究開発法人 情報通信機構 未来ICT 研究所で開催いたしました。
日時: 2015年6月18日(木) 13:30~19:30
場所: 未来ICT研究所(NICT神戸支所)会議室
13:30ー13:45 本日の目的、趣旨、メンバー紹介など
13:45ー14:15 基礎工より 文部科学省予算の動向の紹介と連携 活動への要望、戦略
14:15ー14:45 NICT より 総務省予算の動向の紹介と連携活動へ の要望、戦略
14:45ー15:00 休憩
15:00ー15:30 AIST より 経産省予算の動向の紹介と連携活動へ の要望、戦略
15:30ー16:00 SPring-8 より、SPring-8/理研の予算の動向の紹 介と連携活動への要望、戦略
16:00ー17:00 総合討論
17:30ー19:30  懇親会

場所:基礎工学研究科 D412-414(物性共用セミナー室)
講師:Dr.Igor Aharonovich (School of Physics and Advanced Materials, University of Technology, Sydney)
演題:Enhancing emission from color centers in diamond
Color centers in diamond offer a unique platform for generation of quantum light at room temperature. In this talk I will highlight our recent self assembly processes to enhance emission from single NV centers in nanodiamonds. The first approach utilizes a facile assembly of hybrid nanodiamond-silver nanowire system that allows efficient plasmon coupling. The 2nd approach involves single step coating of single nanodiamonds with bio-compatible molecules. While fundamentally different, each method offers unique advantage for sensing and future device engineering. If time permits, I will briefly discuss new emerging results on new color centers as well as new avenues for electron beam induced etching of diamond.
問い合わせ先:基礎工 鈴木研究室 水落憲和
共催:基礎工 未来研究推進センター

分子技術イニシアティブ 第5回セミナー
場所:基礎工学研究科 未来研究推進センターセミナー室 G217
講師:Prof. Soo Young Park (Seoul National University)
Web page: http://csom.snu.ac.kr/main/index.asp
タイトル:Challenging Materials Innovation for Molecular Optoelectronics
主催:大阪大学 未来研究イニシアティブグループ支援事業「分子技術」
    大阪大学 国際共同研究促進プログラム
共催:基礎工 未来研究推進センター
    科研費 新学術領域「分子アーキテクトニクス」
連絡先:基礎工 多田博一  

プログラム: プログラム ・  写真

場所:基礎工 G棟2F 未来研究推進センターセミナー室
●菊田 隆(阪大URA) 『大学ランキングの裏側』 30分程度
  キーワード:トムソン・高等教育(THE)  QS ほか
●高尾 正敏(阪大URA) 『H27年科学技術予算の目玉』 15分程度
  キーワード:特に 日本版NIH  日本医療研究開発機構 AMED
          および マテリアル インフォマティクス
企画 物性物理工学領域准教授会
主催 基礎工 未来研究推進センター
共催 未来イニシアティブ基礎工5グループ
連絡先:基礎工 山田 亮